January 2025
We hope you are enjoying the new Feedstuffs. With every edition, we aim to bring the latest in news, insight, nutrition and health research and...
January crop report a game changer
Cat and dog food manufacturers required to consider H5N1 in food safety plans
Food supply chain improves for second straight year
FDA wants nutrition labels on front of packaged foods
'Game changer' PRRS-resistant pig still has several hurdles to clear
Using AI to more quickly find methane mitigation strategies
California board defines regenerative agriculture
Feedstuffs Podcasts
Names in the News
Research explores survival of ASF virus in digestive system of pigs using an ASFV-like algal virus in corn- and soybean-based feed ingredients and complete feed
Extended storage times are an ineffective mitigation strategy for partial inactivation of ASF virus in corn- and soybean-based ingredients
Use or non-use of treatment therapies for swine respiratory disease in finishing pigs
Veterinarians asked to comment on cannabis-derived product use in practice
Improving weaning transition through addition of colostrum
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