Powered by the IAPH Monday 18th October - 14:00-1500 GMT-5
According to the recently published guidelines by the IAPH, cyber security refers to the protection of IT, OT and IIoT systems (hardware, software and associated infrastructure), networks and the data on them, and the services they provide, from unauthorized access, harm, misuse or destruction.
As port communities adopt digital technologies and implement them into their daily operations, port leaders should acknowledge cyber risk management as a top-level responsibility – it is not an issue to be dealt with by ‘your IT person’, but a business decision transversal across multiple levels of the port. Yet, and despite cybersecurity’s apparent importance for port communities, only a reduced percentage of these understand its return on investment (ROI) from a business and organisational perspective.
Amongst the main recommendations provided by the IAPH guidelines are the need to allocate specific cyber security budgets to address cyber risk management across all operational areas of the business, as well as appointing a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to oversee the organisation’s overall cyber security strategy and risk management plan. These actions should help port communities achieve the required cyber security resilience to operate in today’s interconnected maritime sector.
What do we understand by cyber security implementation in the maritime & logistics sector and who’s accountable for it?
What are the business implications of an effective cyber security strategy in port communities?
How can port communities design and integrate an efficient cyber security plan into their daily operations?
What are the main defense lines that port communities should build up to achieve effective cyber risk management?
Analyzing cyber security’s ROI in port communities
Pascal Ollivier, President, Maritime Street & Chairman, IAPH Data Collaboration Committee
PRESENTATION TITLE TO BE ANNOUNCED Max Bobys, Vice President, HudsonCyber
IAPH CYBERSECURITY GUIDELINES FOR PORTS Mark de Pater, Chief Information Security Officer, Port of Rotterdam Authority
Rewatch on 5/11/21 - 9:00 GMT