Key strategies for finishing quality beef-on-dairy calves
Strategies include quality sourcing, stress reduction, vaccination and high-protein diets.
According to the USDA, the U.S. cattle inventory is the lowest it has been in 73 years, all while beef demand from consumers steadily increases. Beef-on-dairy cattle account for 18%-24% of U.S. beef production, providing a reliable supplement to the nation’s beef supply while offering enhanced quality traits such as improved marbling and flavor.
Effective finishing programs maximize the potential of beef-on-dairy calves. Key practices include:
Sourcing calves from reputable operations with solid health records and nutritional backgrounds.
Ensuring proper animal husbandry to minimize stress.
Implementing thorough vaccination protocols to prevent diseases.
Research from Purina Animal Nutrition shows that high-protein, high-energy diets are ideal for these calves. By focusing on health and muscle growth throughout their development, producers can ensure superior meat quality and greater returns, ultimately delivering exceptional beef products to consumers.
To learn more about the nutritional requirements of beef-on-dairy cattle, visit
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